How I Became A Size 4 Without Spending Hours In The Kitchen (No Microwave Either!)

Nutrigrill Asian Thai Shabu Shabu Grill

My Nutrigrill (The Weight Loss Cooking Machine) Story – Part 1

I was a ballerina slim girl who never had to worry about her weight. Even after my first child I worked out for 6 weeks and was back in my jeans.

At 31, I had my second child, and figured it would be the same. I had no idea what I was in for.

After my 2nd child was born, I couldn’t get the weight off with a crowbar. In fact, I actually gained weight after my 2nd child was born. But more on that later.

Prior to my second child, I’d never had a problem with sugar. I would go for weeks eating relatively no sugar or bread and then for maybe a few days every 6 – 8 weeks, I’d eat cake & doughnuts like they were going out of style.

Then afterwards, I’d just naturally go back to eating little to no carbs or sweets. I wasn’t trying not to eat sweets. I just didn’t want them.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was naturally intermittent fasting and eating a keto-friendly low-carb high fat & protein diet.

So of course, those few days a month I’d eat a bunch of sweets had little to no effect on my weight because for the next 4 – 6 weeks or longer, I was eating healthy.

So while I was pregnant with baby #2, I had to take a glucose tolerance test. And it was during a time when sugar was absolutely the last thing I wanted. But they said I had to take it, so I took it.

Hindsight being 20/20, if I had to do it all over again, I would refuse the test. Because that sugar filled drink not only made me nauseous, but it completely threw off my body’s natural sugar rhythm that I’d had for my entire life.

All of a sudden, I began having uncontrollable sugar cravings to the point where I would actually drive for over an hour to get a very specific type of cake – and then eat the whole thing. It was like being a drug addict and it was horrible.

When I went in to deliver my second child, I weighed 147 lbs. 6 months later I weighed 155 lbs.

Yep. With the sugar cravings still happening, I actually gained weight.

Now some of you may be saying “only 155 lbs? I wish.” But you have to understand, I weighed 107 lbs when I got pregnant. So I was about 40 lbs overweight.

Never fear though. I had lost the weight with baby #1, so of course I could do the same with baby #2, right?

I did the exact same routine to lose the weight as with my first child. I worked out an hour a day, 6 days a week for 6 weeks. No joy. Maybe I lost 5 pounds. So I persisted and worked out for 3 more months and lost a total of 10 lbs.

It was devastated.

To be continued…