What 8-Word Sentence That Changed My Weight Loss Life?

Fun Grill

I was in Alabama at a client’s office. I was in the middle of a video shoot interviewing the owner of a successful weight loss clinic. She was talking about some client successes and reached an unforgettable story. A woman in her 50’s, who was 100 pounds overweight, came to her seeking help.

The owner talked about how she worked to help this client to lose the 100 pounds. She became a bit emotional. She looked up at me and stated “Have you ever seen an obese 70-year old? I was taken aback by the question. I realized that I couldn’t think of one person. Obesity is basically a death sentence after a person turns 60.

I decided to do a simple Google search about the life expectancy of someone who is obese. The top search result was a medical study that stated this: “Obesity knocks 20 years of good health off your life”, which referred to the 18.8 and 19.1 years of life lost in very obese men and women respectively aged 20–39.”

That simple quote was one of the main reasons I decided to dedicate the next few years to help people effectively lose weight. I am now researching the most effective ways for people to lose weight and easily keep it off. Watch for more of my posts.

Bob Cefail